jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010

S3 How to extract DNA for the lab report!!!

Here you have more information for your lab report that has to be handed in on thursday 3 June 2010



miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

Lab report on the heart, for S2


martes, 18 de mayo de 2010

Excellent Science Blog from Spain!!!

ts over your level but have a look at it cause is fun!!!!Its mostly for Ib students but you´ll find some resources.Specially S2

S2 Circulatory System Excellent site!!!!


jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010

Amazing revision for IGCSE

http://www.carmel.org.uk/media/revision/GCSEBiologyRevision.ppt#256,1,GCSE Biology Revision
Have a look at it!!!!!

miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2010

Circulatory system S2


jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

S1 Watch this presentation on enzymer and we will discuss

http://www.clickbiology.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/enzymes-video.ppt#256,1,Diapositiva 1

S2 Do this as an excercise!

Complete the word fill exercise below and table on the next sheet:

The male part of the flower is called the _______________consists of the ____________ and ____________ . The female part of the flower is called the _____________ consists of the ______________, ______________ and _______________. The male gamete is made in the ______________ and is found inside the _____________ grain. The female gamete is found in the _____________ and is called an ______________.

What is pollination: ___________________________________________________________



There are two mechanisms for pollination: wind and insect. Flowers are adapted to suit the mechanism by which they are pollinated.

Identify which flower below is wind-pollinated and which is insect-pollinated:

Name three flowers that are insect-pollinated:


Give an example of a type of plant that is wind-pollinated:

Explain the difference between self-pollination and cross-pollination:






Plant reproduction S2


In this adress you will find everything you need for plant reproduction